1. NET Editions
  2. Run and Debug app


Step 1: Open the .NET solution

Open the NetcoreSaas.sln solution with Rider or Visual Studio.

There are 3 environment files on the backend:

  • appSettings.json: Production
  • appSettings.Development.json: Development
  • appSettings.Testing.json: Testing

And 2 environment files on the frontend:

  • .env.production
  • .env.development

Step 2: Find and Replace Environment Variables

You need to Find and Replace the following values.

IMPORTANT: Use the ‘Match case’ find and replace option:

Match case
  • PRODUCT_URL: Your SaaS URL (without https:// or slashes).
  • PRODUCT_NAME: Your SaaS name.
  • SUPPORT_EMAIL: e.g. admin@saasfrontends.com.
  • COMPANY_NAME: Legal incorporation name.
  • COMPANY_ADDRESS: Incorporation address.
  • POSTMARK_SERVER_TOKEN: An UUID, get it here.
  • POSTMARK_SENDER_NAME: e.g. Alex, get it here.
  • POSTMARK_SENDER_EMAIL: e.g. hello@saasfrontends.com, get it here.
  • Development environment:
    • DEVELOPMENT_SERVER: e.g. localhost.
    • DEVELOPMENT_PORT: e.g. 5432.
    • DEVELOPMENT_USER: e.g. testing.
    • DEVELOPMENT_PASSWORD: e.g. password123.
    • DEVELOPMENT_ADMIN_EMAIL: e.g. admin@saasfrontends.com.
    • DEVELOPMENT_ADMIN_PASSWORD: e.g. password123.
  • Testing environment:
    • TESTING_DATABASE_NAME: e.g. tests-db.
    • TESTING_STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY: get it here.
    • TESTING_STRIPE_SECRET_KEY: get it here.
  • Production environment:
    • PRODUCTION_DATABASE_NAME: e.g. prod-db.

For example, if my website will be saascourses.net, I’ll replace PRODUCT_URL (using Match case):

Find and Replace

Frontend Service Mode

Since we’ll be running the backend, open the .env.development file and set the …_APP_SERVICE variable to api.

Learn more about the Fake API feature.

# Options: api, sandbox

Step 3: Database Migrations

On the terminal and run the following commands.

Note: By default, it will take the Development environment (appsettings.Development.json).
cd src/NetcoreSaas.WebApi
dotnet ef migrations add Initial --context MasterDbContext

Expected output:

Build started...
Build succeeded.
Done. To undo this action, use 'ef migrations remove'

Then apply the migration to the database:

dotnet ef database update --context MasterDbContext

Since the Startup.cs class runs the migration twice (for multi-tenancy purposes), you can ignore the following error.

42P07: relation "AuditLogs" already exists

Verify that the database was created.

Created databaseNote: The previous image is the DBeaver application connected to a local PostgreSQL server.

Step 4: Debug the app on Rider or VS

Select the NetcoreSaas.WebApi: NetcoreSaas configuration and Debug the app.

Debug the app

The Web API + Client app will launch at port 5000.

App on port 5000

Step 5: Run the Frontend on VS Code

For Vue2 projects:

npm install
npm run serve

For Vue3, React and Svelte projects:

npm install
npm run dev

And open http://localhost:8080.

App on port 8080

Step 6: Set up your pricing

Pricing plans


Open the /pricing URL and take a look at the default pricing:

Default pricing

The warning banner is just telling you that these prices are yet to be created on the Database and Stripe.

Warning - Prices not in Database

Open the frontend src/application/plans.ts file and update the prices as you see fit.

Save Pricing

Once you’re happy with your pricing, log in as your admin user (remember your DEVELOPMENT_ADMIN_EMAIL and DEVELOPMENT_ADMIN_PASSWORD values) and go to /admin/pricing.

Admin | Pricing

Click on the button “Click here to generate these prices in Database and your Subscription provider” and wait a few seconds.

Verify your Stripe Dashboard

Open the Stripe dashboard and verify that the subscription products were created.

Stripe products

Verify your Database

Run an SQL query to verify that your products were persited to your database.

select * from "SubscriptionProducts";
Database products

Step 7: Set up Email Templates

Go to /admin/emails and take a look at the default templates:

Admin | Postmark email templates

If you check your postmark server templates dashboard, it should be empty:

Postmark email templates - Empty

You can learn more about Postmark email templates here.

Creating the Postmark Templates

We need to create them by clicking on the “Create All” button and wait a few seconds.

Once the process is done, check your postmark server again, there should be 10 templates:

Postmark email templates

Step 8: Create an account


Log out, go to the /pricing page and select a plan to register as a new user/tenant.


As you can see, I’ve selected a paid (yearly) plan, so it will ask for my payment info:

Payment info

You can only use a testing card, learn more about it here, I’m using:

  • Card number: 4242 4242 4242 4242.
  • MM / YY: 04 / 24.
  • CVC: 242.
  • ZIP: 42424.


It should redirect you to the /app/dashboard:


Welcome Email

Verify that you got the welcome email:

Welcome Email

Stripe Payment

Verify that the payment is on your Stripe dashboard:

Stripe Payment

Step 9: Test the App

Now we’re ready to test the sample app.


Create an employee by clicking the Employees sidebar item, and “Add employee” button:

Employees Sidebar ItemAdd Employee ButtonAdd Employee

It will redirect you to the employees list page:

Employees List

Verify that the Employee is created on the database:

select * from "Employees";
Employees Database

A Link is a core concept of SaasFrontends. It allow your users (tenants) to create links between them.

In this sample app, a Link consists of the Client and the Provider. Either of them can create a share a Contract with the other.

Invite a user as your Client

Click on the Plus button on the top right corner and Click on the “New Client” option.

App Plus Button

Invite your ‘client’:

New Client

Check your inbox, you should get an invitation to join:

Invitation Email

Click on the “Create account” button, it will redirect you to create an account. I’ll be selecting a Free plan.

Register as Client

It should redirect you to the /app/dashboard. Log out, and Log in as the previously created user (on Step 8).

Click on the Links -> All sidebar item. There should your ‘client’.

All Links


Click on New contract, and create a sample contract. Once created, it will redirect you to view the contract details:

Contract Details

Step 10: Integration Tests

Stop the application and go to the Unit Tests tab:

Unit Tests

Right click on the “tests” folder and click “Run Selected Unit Tests”.

All 91 tests should pass:

Unit Tests Passed

Please let me know if you have any questions.