1. Backend
  2. Code Structure


The solution is divided by multiple layers:


It’s the most inner part of the architecture. It contains entities/models, enums…

  • Models: User, Tenant...
  • Enums: UserType, TenantUserRole...
  • Settings: EmailSettings, SubscriptionSettings...


It defines business logic, DTOs, contracts…

  • DTOs: UserDto, TenantDto...
  • Contracts: User, Tenant...
  • Mapper: MappingProfile
  • Services: IUserService, ITenantService...
  • Repositories: IUserRepository, ITenantRepository...
  • Unit of Work: IAppUnitOfWork, IMasterUnitOfWork...


Acts as the Data Access Layer and implements all application interfaces.

  • Database Context: AppDbContext, MasterDbContext...
  • Middleware: ITenantResolutionStrategy, TenantMiddleware...
  • Services: UserService, TenantService...
  • Repositories: UserRepository, TenantRepository...
  • Unit of Work: AppUnitOfWork, MasterUnitOfWork...

Web Api

The .NET API server.

  • Controllers: UserController, TenantController...
  • Migrations: Database migrations (with Entity Framework)
  • ClientApp: Frontend application

Unit Tests

Implements Domain tests.

  • Domain Unit Tests: UserTests, TenantTests

Integration Tests

Implements Infrastructre tests. It validates your Authentication and Stripe subscriptions/products and payments implementations.

  • Users: AuthenticationControllerTests, UserControllerTests
  • Tenants: TenantControllerTests, TenantUsersControllerTests, TenantControllerTests
  • Subscriptions: SubscriptionProductControllerTests, UpdateSubscriptionTests...


Explore the directory structure:

    |-- .gitignore
    |-- NetcoreSaas.sln
    |-- package.json
    |-- .vscode
    |   |-- launch.json
    |   |-- settings.json
    |   |-- tasks.json
    |-- src
    |   |-- NetcoreSaas.Application
    |   |   |-- NetcoreSaas.Application.csproj
    |   |   |-- Contracts
    |   |   |   |-- App
    |   |   |   |   |-- Contracts
    |   |   |   |   |   |-- AddContractMemberDto.cs
    |   |   |   |   |   |-- ContractStatusFilter.cs
    |   |   |   |   |   |-- CreateContractRequest.cs
    |   |   |   |   |   |-- SendContractRequest.cs
    |   |   |   |   |   |-- UpdateContractRequest.cs
    |   |   |   |   |-- Employees
    |   |   |   |       |-- CreateEmployeesRequest.cs
    |   |   |   |       |-- UpdateEmployeeRequest.cs
    |   |   |   |-- Core
    |   |   |       |-- Links
    |   |   |       |   |-- CreateLinkRequest.cs
    |   |   |       |   |-- UpdateLinkRequest.cs
    |   |   |       |-- Subscriptions
    |   |   |       |   |-- SelectedSubscriptionRequest.cs
    |   |   |       |   |-- SubscriptionCreateCardTokenRequest.cs
    |   |   |       |   |-- SubscriptionGetCurrentResponse.cs
    |   |   |       |   |-- SubscriptionUpdatePriceRequest.cs
    |   |   |       |   |-- SubscriptionUpdateProductRequest.cs
    |   |   |       |-- Tenants
    |   |   |       |   |-- TenantCreateRequest.cs
    |   |   |       |   |-- TenantFeaturesDto.cs
    |   |   |       |   |-- TenantInvitationResponse.cs
    |   |   |       |   |-- TenantUpdateImageRequest.cs
    |   |   |       |   |-- TenantUpdateJoinSettingsRequest.cs
    |   |   |       |   |-- TenantUserUpdateRequest.cs
    |   |   |       |-- Users
    |   |   |       |   |-- UserInviteRequest.cs
    |   |   |       |   |-- UserLoggedResponse.cs
    |   |   |       |   |-- UserLoginRequest.cs
    |   |   |       |   |-- UserRegisterRequest.cs
    |   |   |       |   |-- UserUpdateAvatarRequest.cs
    |   |   |       |   |-- UserUpdateLocaleRequest.cs
    |   |   |       |   |-- UserUpdatePasswordRequest.cs
    |   |   |       |   |-- UserUpdateRequest.cs
    |   |   |       |   |-- UserVerifyRequest.cs
    |   |   |       |-- Workspaces
    |   |   |           |-- CreateWorkspaceCredentialCiecRequest.cs
    |   |   |           |-- CreateWorkspaceCredentialEfirmaRequest.cs
    |   |   |           |-- CreateWorkspaceRequest.cs
    |   |   |           |-- UpdateWorkspaceRequest.cs
    |   |   |-- Dtos
    |   |   |   |-- EntityDto.cs
    |   |   |   |-- IAuditableEntity.cs
    |   |   |   |-- App
    |   |   |   |   |-- Contracts
    |   |   |   |   |   |-- ContractActivityDto.cs
    |   |   |   |   |   |-- ContractDto.cs
    |   |   |   |   |   |-- ContractEmployeeDto.cs
    |   |   |   |   |   |-- ContractMemberDto.cs
    |   |   |   |   |-- Employees
    |   |   |   |   |   |-- EmployeeDto.cs
    |   |   |   |   |-- Usages
    |   |   |   |       |-- AppUsageSummaryDto.cs
    |   |   |   |-- Core
    |   |   |       |-- AppEntityDto.cs
    |   |   |       |-- AppWorkspaceEntityDto.cs
    |   |   |       |-- MasterEntityDto.cs
    |   |   |       |-- Emails
    |   |   |       |   |-- EmailTemplateDto.cs
    |   |   |       |-- Examples
    |   |   |       |   |-- TestForMasterEntityDto.cs
    |   |   |       |-- Links
    |   |   |       |   |-- LinkDto.cs
    |   |   |       |   |-- LinkInvitationDto.cs
    |   |   |       |-- Subscriptions
    |   |   |       |   |-- SubscriptionCardDto.cs
    |   |   |       |   |-- SubscriptionCouponDto.cs
    |   |   |       |   |-- SubscriptionCustomerDto.cs
    |   |   |       |   |-- SubscriptionFeatureDto.cs
    |   |   |       |   |-- SubscriptionInvoiceDto.cs
    |   |   |       |   |-- SubscriptionInvoiceLineDto.cs
    |   |   |       |   |-- SubscriptionPaymentMethodDto.cs
    |   |   |       |   |-- SubscriptionPlanDto.cs
    |   |   |       |   |-- SubscriptionPriceDto.cs
    |   |   |       |   |-- SubscriptionProductDto.cs
    |   |   |       |-- Tenants
    |   |   |       |   |-- TenantDto.cs
    |   |   |       |   |-- TenantJoinSettingsDto.cs
    |   |   |       |   |-- TenantProductDto.cs
    |   |   |       |   |-- TenantProductSimpleDto.cs
    |   |   |       |   |-- TenantSimpleDto.cs
    |   |   |       |   |-- TenantUserDto.cs
    |   |   |       |-- Users
    |   |   |       |   |-- UserDto.cs
    |   |   |       |   |-- UserSimpleDto.cs
    |   |   |       |-- Workspaces
    |   |   |           |-- WorkspaceDto.cs
    |   |   |           |-- WorkspaceSimpleDto.cs
    |   |   |           |-- WorkspaceUserDto.cs
    |   |   |-- Extensions
    |   |   |   |-- CollectionExtensions.cs
    |   |   |-- Helpers
    |   |   |   |-- DateHelper.cs
    |   |   |   |-- EmailHelper.cs
    |   |   |   |-- EncriptionHelper.cs
    |   |   |   |-- ImageHelper.cs
    |   |   |   |-- TailwindColors.cs
    |   |   |   |-- XmlHelper.cs
    |   |   |-- Mapper
    |   |   |   |-- MappingProfile.cs
    |   |   |-- Repositories
    |   |   |   |-- IMasterRepository.cs
    |   |   |   |-- IRepository.cs
    |   |   |   |-- App
    |   |   |   |   |-- IContractRepository.cs
    |   |   |   |   |-- IEmployeeRepository.cs
    |   |   |   |   |-- IWorkspaceRepository.cs
    |   |   |   |-- Core
    |   |   |       |-- ILinkRepository.cs
    |   |   |       |-- ISubscriptionProductRepository.cs
    |   |   |       |-- ITenantRepository.cs
    |   |   |       |-- IUserRepository.cs
    |   |   |-- Services
    |   |   |   |-- App
    |   |   |   |   |-- IContractService.cs
    |   |   |   |-- Core
    |   |   |   |   |-- ILinkService.cs
    |   |   |   |   |-- IWorkspaceService.cs
    |   |   |   |   |-- Subscriptions
    |   |   |   |   |   |-- ISubscriptionService.cs
    |   |   |   |   |-- Tenants
    |   |   |   |   |   |-- ITenantService.cs
    |   |   |   |   |-- Users
    |   |   |   |       |-- IUserService.cs
    |   |   |   |-- Images
    |   |   |   |   |-- IOpticalCharacterRecognitionService.cs
    |   |   |   |-- Messages
    |   |   |       |-- IEmailService.cs
    |   |   |-- UnitOfWork
    |   |       |-- IAppUnitOfWork.cs
    |   |       |-- IBaseUnitOfWork.cs
    |   |       |-- IMasterUnitOfWork.cs
    |   |-- NetcoreSaas.Domain
    |   |   |-- NetcoreSaas.Domain.csproj
    |   |   |-- Enums
    |   |   |   |-- App
    |   |   |   |   |-- Contracts
    |   |   |   |   |   |-- ContractActivityType.cs
    |   |   |   |   |   |-- ContractInvitationStatus.cs
    |   |   |   |   |   |-- ContractMemberRole.cs
    |   |   |   |   |   |-- ContractStatus.cs
    |   |   |   |   |-- Links
    |   |   |   |   |   |-- LinkStatus.cs
    |   |   |   |   |-- Usages
    |   |   |   |       |-- AppUsageType.cs
    |   |   |   |-- Core
    |   |   |   |   |-- Subscriptions
    |   |   |   |   |   |-- SubscriptionBillingPeriod.cs
    |   |   |   |   |   |-- SubscriptionPriceType.cs
    |   |   |   |   |-- Tenants
    |   |   |   |   |   |-- TenantUserJoined.cs
    |   |   |   |   |   |-- TenantUserRole.cs
    |   |   |   |   |   |-- TenantUserStatus.cs
    |   |   |   |   |   |-- WorkspaceType.cs
    |   |   |   |   |-- Users
    |   |   |   |       |-- UserLoginType.cs
    |   |   |   |       |-- UserType.cs
    |   |   |   |-- Shared
    |   |   |       |-- Period.cs
    |   |   |       |-- Role.cs
    |   |   |-- Extensions
    |   |   |   |-- GlobalExtensions.cs
    |   |   |-- Helpers
    |   |   |   |-- ApiAppRoutes.cs
    |   |   |   |-- ApiCoreRoutes.cs
    |   |   |   |-- DateHelper.cs
    |   |   |   |-- StringHelper.cs
    |   |   |-- Models
    |   |   |   |-- Entity.cs
    |   |   |   |-- App
    |   |   |   |   |-- Contracts
    |   |   |   |   |   |-- Contract.cs
    |   |   |   |   |   |-- ContractActivity.cs
    |   |   |   |   |   |-- ContractEmployee.cs
    |   |   |   |   |   |-- ContractMember.cs
    |   |   |   |   |-- Employees
    |   |   |   |       |-- Employee.cs
    |   |   |   |-- Core
    |   |   |   |   |-- AppEntity.cs
    |   |   |   |   |-- AppWorkspaceEntity.cs
    |   |   |   |   |-- MasterEntity.cs
    |   |   |   |   |-- Common
    |   |   |   |   |   |-- AuditLog.cs
    |   |   |   |   |-- Links
    |   |   |   |   |   |-- Link.cs
    |   |   |   |   |   |-- LinkInvitation.cs
    |   |   |   |   |-- Subscriptions
    |   |   |   |   |   |-- SubscriptionFeature.cs
    |   |   |   |   |   |-- SubscriptionPrice.cs
    |   |   |   |   |   |-- SubscriptionProduct.cs
    |   |   |   |   |-- Tenants
    |   |   |   |   |   |-- Tenant.cs
    |   |   |   |   |   |-- TenantJoinSettings.cs
    |   |   |   |   |   |-- TenantProduct.cs
    |   |   |   |   |   |-- TenantUser.cs
    |   |   |   |   |-- Users
    |   |   |   |   |   |-- User.cs
    |   |   |   |   |-- Workspaces
    |   |   |   |       |-- Workspace.cs
    |   |   |   |       |-- WorkspaceUser.cs
    |   |   |   |-- Interfaces
    |   |   |       |-- IAppEntity.cs
    |   |   |       |-- IAppWorkspaceEntity.cs
    |   |   |       |-- IEntity.cs
    |   |   |-- Settings
    |   |       |-- EmailSettings.cs
    |   |       |-- FiscalSettings.cs
    |   |       |-- LandbotSettings.cs
    |   |       |-- OpticalCharacterRecognitionSettings.cs
    |   |       |-- SubscriptionSettings.cs
    |   |-- NetcoreSaas.Infrastructure
    |   |   |-- NetcoreSaas.Infrastructure.csproj
    |   |   |-- ProjectConfiguration.cs
    |   |   |-- Data
    |   |   |   |-- AppDbContext.cs
    |   |   |   |-- BaseDbContext.cs
    |   |   |   |-- MasterDbContext.cs
    |   |   |-- Extensions
    |   |   |   |-- ContextServiceLocator.cs
    |   |   |   |-- HttpContextExtensions.cs
    |   |   |   |-- ServiceCollectionExtensions.cs
    |   |   |-- Helpers
    |   |   |   |-- AuditEntry.cs
    |   |   |   |-- MapperBuilder.cs
    |   |   |-- Middleware
    |   |   |   |-- Tenancy
    |   |   |       |-- DiscriminatorColumnInterceptor.cs
    |   |   |       |-- IApplicationBuilderExtensions.cs
    |   |   |       |-- ITenantAccessService.cs
    |   |   |       |-- ITenantAccessor.cs
    |   |   |       |-- TenantAccessService.cs
    |   |   |       |-- TenantBuilder.cs
    |   |   |       |-- TenantMiddleware.cs
    |   |   |       |-- Store
    |   |   |       |   |-- ClaimsTenantStore.cs
    |   |   |       |   |-- ITenantStore.cs
    |   |   |       |   |-- InDatabaseTenantStore.cs
    |   |   |       |   |-- InMemoryTenantStore.cs
    |   |   |       |-- Strategy
    |   |   |           |-- HeaderResolutionStrategy.cs
    |   |   |           |-- HostResolutionStrategy.cs
    |   |   |           |-- ITenantResolutionStrategy.cs
    |   |   |           |-- URLResolutionStrategy.cs
    |   |   |-- Repositories
    |   |   |   |-- AppRepository.cs
    |   |   |   |-- MasterRepository.cs
    |   |   |   |-- App
    |   |   |   |   |-- ContractRepository.cs
    |   |   |   |   |-- EmployeeRepository.cs
    |   |   |   |-- Core
    |   |   |       |-- LinkRepository.cs
    |   |   |       |-- SubscriptionProductRepository.cs
    |   |   |       |-- TenantRepository.cs
    |   |   |       |-- UserRepository.cs
    |   |   |       |-- WorkspaceRepository.cs
    |   |   |-- Services
    |   |   |   |-- DependencyInjection.cs
    |   |   |   |-- App
    |   |   |   |   |-- ContractService.cs
    |   |   |   |-- Core
    |   |   |   |   |-- LinkService.cs
    |   |   |   |   |-- TenantService.cs
    |   |   |   |   |-- UserService.cs
    |   |   |   |   |-- WorkspaceService.cs
    |   |   |   |-- Images
    |   |   |   |   |-- OpticarCharacterRecognitionMicrosoft.cs
    |   |   |   |-- Messages
    |   |   |   |   |-- EmailPostmarkService.cs
    |   |   |   |-- Subscription
    |   |   |       |-- SubscriptionStripeService.cs
    |   |   |-- UnitOfWork
    |   |       |-- AppUnitOfWork.cs
    |   |       |-- MasterUnitOfWork.cs
    |   |-- NetcoreSaas.WebApi
    |       |-- .gitignore
    |       |-- NetcoreSaas.WebApi.csproj
    |       |-- Program.cs
    |       |-- Startup.cs
    |       |-- appsettings.Development.json
    |       |-- appsettings.json
    |       |-- package.json
    |       |-- tslint.json
    |       |-- .vscode
    |       |   |-- launch.json
    |       |   |-- settings.json
    |       |   |-- tasks.json
    |       |-- Controllers
    |       |-- ClientApp
    |       |   |-- ErrorController.cs
    |       |   |-- App
    |       |   |   |-- ContractController.cs
    |       |   |   |-- EmployeeController.cs
    |       |   |-- Core
    |       |       |-- Setup
    |       |       |   |-- SetupController.cs
    |       |       |-- Subscriptions
    |       |       |   |-- SubscriptionManagerController.cs
    |       |       |   |-- SubscriptionProductController.cs
    |       |       |-- Tenants
    |       |       |   |-- TenantController.cs
    |       |       |   |-- TenantUserInvitationController.cs
    |       |       |   |-- TenantUsersController.cs
    |       |       |-- Users
    |       |       |   |-- AuthenticationController.cs
    |       |       |   |-- UserController.cs
    |       |       |-- Workspaces
    |       |           |-- LinkController.cs
    |       |           |-- WorkspaceController.cs
    |       |-- Emails
    |       |   |-- 00-basic-layout.md
    |       |   |-- 01-welcome.md
    |       |   |-- 02-password-reset.md
    |       |   |-- 03-user-invitation.md
    |       |   |-- 04-request-access.md
    |       |   |-- 05-user-accepted.md
    |       |   |-- 06-invitation-to-link-workspaces.md
    |       |   |-- 07-invite-user-to-link-workspace.md
    |       |   |-- 08-link-invitation-accepted.md
    |       |   |-- 09-link-invitation-rejected.md
    |       |   |-- 10-contract-new.md
    |       |-- Files
    |       |   |-- ForceFilesFolder.txt
    |       |-- Middleware
    |       |   |-- SerilogMiddleware.cs
    |       |-- Migrations
    |       |   |-- 20211215224104_Initial.Designer.cs
    |       |   |-- 20211215224104_Initial.cs
    |       |   |-- MasterDbContextModelSnapshot.cs
    |       |-- Properties
    |       |   |-- launchSettings.json
    |       |-- Service
    |           |-- GlobalHubService.cs
    |-- tests
        |-- NetcoreSaas.IntegrationTests
        |   |-- NetcoreSaas.IntegrationTests.csproj
        |   |-- TestBase.cs
        |   |-- appsettings.Testing.json
        |   |-- Core
        |   |   |-- Subscriptions
        |   |   |   |-- SubscriptionTestBase.cs
        |   |   |   |-- SubscriptionTestProducts.cs
        |   |   |   |-- ManagerController
        |   |   |   |   |-- CancelSubscriptionTests.cs
        |   |   |   |   |-- ManagerTests.cs
        |   |   |   |   |-- UpdateSubscriptionTests.cs
        |   |   |   |-- ProductController
        |   |   |       |-- SubscriptionProductControllerTests.cs
        |   |   |-- Tenants
        |   |   |   |-- TenantControllerTests.cs
        |   |   |   |-- TenantUserInvitationControllerTests.cs
        |   |   |   |-- TenantUsersControllerTests.cs
        |   |   |-- Users
        |   |       |-- AuthenticationControllerTests.cs
        |   |       |-- UserControllerTests.cs
        |   |-- Properties
        |   |   |-- AssemblyInfo.cs